Agriculture & Veterinary

Dog Walking Courses: Become a Pro at Walking Dogs

Considering a Dog Walking Course? 

If you want to become a pro at walking man’s best friend, a dog walking course may be ideal for you. A dog walking course will allow you to learn how to become a dog walker, including important practical step-by-step techniques and principles for walking dogs and getting started in a career as a professional dog walker. This can be a very rewarding job. Not to mention, it is incredibly good for your health. The good news is there are so many dog walking courses currently available. They are available in part-time options too, making it easy to fit the course into your busy schedule.  

Why Walking is Important for Dogs 

Walking is much more than just toilet breaks for dogs. Walking dogs regularly provides a basic foundation for mental and physical health. Similarly, to children, dogs want to know the world and if they are confined to the house for a long time, they will get bored and boredom can lead to destructive behaviour. Additionally, it is good for dog health. A sedentary dog can quickly become overweight and that brings potential health issues with it.  

Although your dog may be active inside the home, they still need another outlet to relieve pent-up energy. While out walking, dogs are likely to meet other dogs. This is an excellent opportunity to help the dog learn acceptable ways of socially interacting with new dogs. It will also help to build their confidence so that they are less afraid to make friends. Walking dogs can be seen as an additional training opportunity. Dogs are not born knowing how to walk on a lead. Therefore, you will have to teach them how to follow a lead. On these walks, you can teach them commands such as ‘stay’, ‘sit’, and ‘heel’. 

Facts and Statistics About Dog Walking 

A report on dog walking found that 64% of dog owners believe that dog walking is a personal reflection of their affection and love for their dogs. Around 95.5% of dog owners asked did confirm that they see their dog as a member of the family. In addition, 56% of dog owners would even greet their dog the moment they walk through the door. When it comes to motivations regarding dog walking, a majority of dog owners claimed that dog walks make their dog feel – 70% happier, 46% more energetic, 41% more relaxed and 93% de-stressed. According to researchers at the Michigan Stare University, walking your dog will greatly reduce your risk of getting diabetes. According to the exercise scientist Cindy Lentino, dog walkers have 66% less chance of getting diabetes compared to those who do not walk their dogs. This statistic highlights the importance of physical activity in order to minimise the risk of catching type 2 diabetes.  

What Will I Learn? 

Your dog walking course will teach you how to become a dog walker. Through training, you will learn how to become a pro at dog walking. Students will learn how to provide dog walking services in terms of planning, routes and schedules in addition to handling, transporting and supervising dogs at play. They will also be aware of how to assess dogs and the health, safety and security considerations.  

The course will educate you on how to start a dog walking business in terms of setting out on a budget, licensing, permits and insurance and how to set your prices and accept payment. Learners will explore managing their dog walking business in relation to how to attract customers and get referrals, marketing tools, how to handle problem clients, offer additional services and hire great employees.  

Career Progression 

If you really enjoyed your dog walking course and would like to continue your learning, you could consider doing a grooming or animal care course.  

If you’re serious about doing a dog walking course, check out courses near you in the national course finder.  

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