Arts, Crafts & Hobbies

Learn How to Play Chess By Doing Chess Lessons

Considering Learning How to Play Chess? 

If you want to learn how to play chess, you should consider doing some chess lessons. Chess lessons will teach you all you need to know about playing chess. Chess is an excellent hobby to have that will nourish your brain and allow you to de-stress. It is also a great opportunity to meet new people and make friends. If your heart is set on learning how to play chess, there are so many chess lessons currently available. Chess lessons are available for a variety of levels also from beginner, intermediate and advanced options.  

About Chess 

Chess is played on a board of 64 squares arranging in eight vertical rows called files and eight horizontal rows called ranks. These squares alternate between two colours: one dark colour which is usually black or green and one light colour which is often a white or beige colour. The board is set between two opponent and each player has a light-coloured square at the right-hand corner. Chess is one of the most popular and oldest board games, played by two opponents on a checkered board with specially designed pieces of contrasting colours, commonly black and white. White moves first, after which the players alternate turns in accordance with the fixed rules of the game, while each player attempts to force the opponent’s principal piece, the King, into checkmate. Checkmate is a position where it is unable to avoid capture. There are many moves in chess. These include the king, the rook, the bishop, the queen and the knight. 

A Brief History of Chess 

Chess first appeared in the 6th century AD in India and by the 10th century, it had spread from Asisa to Europe and the Middle East. Since around the 15th century, chess has been recognised as the royal game because of its popularity among the nobility. Rules and set design slowly evolved until both reached today’s standard in the early 19th century. Once an intellectual diversion favoured by the upper classes, chess went through explosive growth in interest during the 20th century as state-sponsored and professional players competed for an officially recognised world championship title and increasingly lucrative tournament prizes. Organised chess tournaments, postal correspondence games and Internet chess now attract women, men and children across the globe. 

What Will I Learn? 

You can expect to learn how to move the pieces, how to play the game and the rules of the game. You will also explore the opening principles of chess, how to win the game and capture pieces. In addition, you will learn how to find a checkmate, how to make the most out of your chess pieces and how to win with various tactics. You will also gain an understanding of endgames, how to force moves and how to read the board. Also, you will learn about key openings, how to choose the best move and how to activate your pieces.  

If you’re serious about learning how to play chess, check out lessons near you in the national course finder.  

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