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Why Adults Fear Returning to School: 4 Reasons Why

Taking a course can be a step toward that promote you have been wanting or lay the foundation for an entire career change. However, for many adults, committing to weeks, months or even a day of lessons can be daunting. The back-to-school jitters are very real at any age. In this article, we will share with you 4 common reasons that adult learners fear going back to education and how to get over the fear.  

1. Now Is Not a Good Time – I’m Busy 

Balancing a day job with a family, a social life and any other high-priority adult opportunities can be challenging. However, you are not going to be able to transform your life by simply thinking about what you want your future to look like. It is up to you to make the time to make changes. Learning new skills does not have to be a full-time commitment. It can be, however, there are online course options, part-time options, weekly courses and one-off classes and workshops. If you have a goal, you should have something on your to do list each day that is in service of that goal. It’s never going to seem like a good time to go back to education, you need to know that and just do it.  

2. It’s Too Expensive 

Cost is a valid barrier to education. With bills to pay and often, families to support, many adults find it difficult to make ends meet as it is. It can make the cost of a visual design class appear an indulgence or a financial sacrifice. If advancing your career is a real priority, you can put your focus on free or low-cost workshops and tutorials or work the cost of a class into your budget. Look into financial aids too or ask your employer to cover some of the costs if it if relevant to your job.  

3. Feeling Intimidated 

It is absolutely normal to feel intimidated when venturing out of your comfort zone. However, remember that you will certainly not be the only one with nerves on your first day. It is natural to feel vulnerable walking into a course, particularly as an adult learner. Begin the day by acknowledging these nerves and know that what you are doing is the start to your new advanced career or career path.  

4. I Don’t Know If the Course Is Right for Me 

Sometimes you know you are ready to take the plunge and get learning. However, you are not sure which course will give you the most benefit. It is absolutely natural. A chat with a mentor, HR manager or other colleagues will help you consider which classes best fit your aspirations or interests. However, chances are, wherever you land is going to be valuable, even if it ultimately points you in an entirely different direction from where you expected to end up.  


What is for you will not pass you. There are many reasons adult learners fear taking the plunge and starting a course. It is entirely natural; however, you need to acknowledge these feelings with yourself, get through it and reap the benefits the learning offers.  

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