Career Development

About Career Coaching Courses

Considering a Career Coaching Course? 

If you want to become a career coach, it is a smart move to do a career coaching course. A career coaching course will provide you with all the necessary knowledge to become a career coach and be successful. This can be an incredibly rewarding job in that you get to help people find their career path which makes them feel fulfilled. The good news is there are lots of career coaching courses currently available for you.

What Is a Career Coach? 

You may be wondering what is a career coach because you are used to hearing career councillor. Alternatively, you may be under the impression that they are the same thing. Well, they aren’t but don’t worry, we will explain the difference between the two so that you know what you are in for. Career coaches focus on the current situation and create action goals to help clients to move forward.  

A career coach is very comparable to an athletic coach in that they assess where you are at and encourage or challenge you to become a better you. They may also focus on results, outcomes and accomplishments. Career councillors look at past experiences or barriers that may be presenting work challenges. They will assess your situation and subsequently detangle confusion or address the emotional reasons as to why you may not be making progress in your career.  

How Do Career Coaches Help People? 

Career coaches help people to fully explore their career options, change direction in their career and stop people from feeling stuck in their career. They also help individuals to make more progress in their career progression either with their current employer or a new employer. In addition, they help people to position themselves so that they are ready for future opportunities. They help people to manage threats to their career such as redundancy of changes within their industry. Career coaches ensure that their clients working life aligns with their personal priorities. They help people to create a career plan so that they can direct their career as opposed to having it just happen to them.  

What Will You Learn in a Career Coaching Course? 

You can expect that by doing a career coaching course, you will learn about CV writing, cover letter writing, job applications and interview techniques. You will also discover how to get set up on your own, developing your coaching skills, finding clients and growing your business. Some courses may cover more, however, these are the basic things that you can expect to learn about. 

Who Will My Clients Be? 

The clients you can expect to have after completing your career coaching course will be people who want to change careers, women returning to the workforce, school and college leavers, corporate clients, government and not for profit agencies, entrepreneurs and job seekers when they have been made redundant. You may see people with different career stories however, these clients would be the most common for career coaches.  

Career Opportunities 

There is an array of career opportunities upon completion of this course. You could become a career coach in a secondary school or college. Alternatively, you could set up your own business providing career coaching. There are more career coaching opportunities out there, these are just the main ones.  

If you’re serious about career coaching, check out courses near you in the national course finder.  

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